Market research

with a single click

We have revolutionized market research for operators and professionals in the short-term rental industry.

Our AI-powered revenue management algorithm analyzes thousands of listings and returns you an in-depth, detailed report.

Why BedlyGo

Intuitive and Comprehensive Search

To successfully enter the short-rental business, it is essential to do proper, accurate and as objective market research as possible that returns to you, without risk of interpretation, which areas are really profitable to invest in.

With BedlyGo, in one click, you access a complete overview of the market in any area of the world.

The best strategy

What to aim for? What is the appropriate price for my property? What niche should I aim for to stand out? What features will make my property distinctive?

In a single word, for a professional in the field of short-term rental, all this is called "strategy."
BedlyGo is the only tool that can return to you, through market analysis, a realistic and reliable snapshot of the competition based on which you can designate the most effective strategy to stand out


Any new research can be extracted as a PDF report-this is the ace in the hole to gain the trust of owners and prove the soundness of your strategy, numbers in hand.

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Because you won't be able to do without it

Discover the right price per night

Over 77% of hosts are leaving money on the table because they charge the wrong price per night. BedlyGo guides you in identifying the optimal price per night for your property to maximize your profit each month.

Identifies secret market niches

BedlyGo allows you to identify market niches within your area with little or no competition, within which you can charge higher prices and achieve higher occupancy rates.

Monetizes hot dates all months

BedlyGo helps you discover spikes in prices per night due to events, concerts and fairs in your area, even if you were unaware of them.
Knowing about and monetizing these opportunities brings an average increase in monthly profit of more than 35 percent.

Easy acquisition and flawless branding

With the Premium plan, BedlyGo compiles and generates customized reports for you, in seconds.
A tool that can convey professionalism and communicate all data to owners during negotiations.

Farewell to entrepreneurial risk

Zero in on your entrepreneurial risk by working to acquire property only after you have mathematical certainty of return by finding out in advance the occupancy rate and a projection of return.
You can focus your attention only on what brings results.

We monitor the market for you

We keep an eye on your area every day to alert you promptly when there are changes in the market thanks to our revenue management engine.
You'll have a virtual assistant who assiduously monitors your competition and lets you know what's going on.

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Access BedlyGo now to maximize your revenue, reduce entrepreneurial risk, and discover new hidden opportunities.

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Maximum profitability, in three steps

Start a new market research

Simply enter the location, or search in detail indicating the dates, number of beds, and lots of other information.

BedlyGo provides you with all the filters found on Airbnb® to allow you to customize your search to the fullest.

Strategic information in seconds

BedlyGo will analyze your request and return all the information about your target market according to the filters you used.
You will find out in just one click...

  • How many competitors you have in your area
  • Break-down of listings by property type, beds, baths, and amenities
  • Average, minimum and maximum prices per night of properties in the area
  • Offers and discounts offered by competitors
  • Opportunities to enter specific unexplored market niches without competition
Ready-to-use, one-click reports

At any time, BedlyGo will allow you to convert the research you've done into a detailed PDF report.

The report will be automatically customized with your company's information such as logo, address, and contact information so that you can present your clients with a complete business plan accompanied by objective data.

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Access BedlyGo now to maximize your revenue, reduce entrepreneurial risk, and discover new hidden opportunities.

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Big results,
small investments

Learn about plans to access BedlyGo with the launch offer.
Don't worry, there are no strings attached and you can cancel your renewal at any time.

Access BedlyGo now to maximize your revenue, reduce entrepreneurial risk, and discover new hidden opportunities.

PS: If you're still looking at the price...
You don't know how much it costs you not to have it.

Even not doing the right market analysis has its hidden cost.
How much money are you giving up by making strategic and pricing mistakes?
How much is it costing you to acquire property that does not yield as much as you hope?
Getting the price per night wrong

Without the correct and meticulous study of your competition and market trends, getting the rate per night wrong will be inevitable.

Loss of profitability: without careful analysis, there is a risk of setting rates too low, thus reducing profits. But on the other hand, rates that are too high can discourage potential customers, leading to lower occupancy and declining profits.

‍Loss ofcompetitiveness: as a direct result of the wrong rate strategy.

‍Instabilityin profits: lack of a proper dynamic pricing strategy based on market trends can lead to fluctuating profits, with periods of high demand wasted at low rates and periods of low demand at rates that are too high.

Not succeed stand out

Without a precise and optimized strategy to differentiate yourself from competitors, it is inevitable to fall into anonymity and become "one among many." Only careful market analysis with BedlyGo will reveal to you the average of the features and filters most prevalent in the thousands of properties on the market.

‍Anunprofitable niche: without access to clear data on the demand and supply present, you could select an unprofitable niche.

‍Aninadequate property: without having the right information, you could acquire a property that does not fit your expectations, waste your time, and ruin your reputation.

‍An ineffectivead: you risk creating ineffective ads that do not stand out from all the other competitors, reducing your chances of attracting customers: after all, why should they choose your properties over others?

Wasting time and money

Provided you want to do this, without a tool like BedlyGo, the market analysis process could take much longer, preventing you from focusing on other key activities.

Delay in strategic decisions: without a fast and accurate analysis tool like BedlyGo, the market analysis process will take a lot of time each month. This results in a delay in crucial strategic decisions for your business.

‍Lost opportunities: wasted time in market analysis can result in the loss of valuable opportunities. Windows of opportunity in the market must be seized at the drop of a hat, and if you spend too much time in analysis, you may not be able to take advantage of potential deals or take advantage of favorable market situations.

‍Increased operatingcosts: lost time in manual market analysis proportionately increases operating costs.

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They say about us.

We have a flexible schedule because we use Berlin. You can adjust to the work schedule that works best for you thanks to it.
Don Zhugani
CEO @zhabacreative
We have a flexible schedule because we use Berlin. You can adjust to the work schedule that works best for you thanks to it.
Don Zhugani
CEO @zhabacreative
We have a flexible schedule because we use Berlin. You can adjust to the work schedule that works best for you thanks to it.
Don Zhugani
CEO @zhabacreative

Frequently asked questions

What is BedlyGo for?

BedlyGo is a tool designed to help short-term rental operators and professionals optimize the management of their properties. It provides meticulous data and analysis to make informed decisions.

How can I access the software?

BedlyGo is available with a simple subscription. After registering, you will have immediate access to the platform and all its tools.

What is the subscription cost of BedlyGo?

There are two subscription modes available, both with annual charges.

What information and data does it provide?

BedlyGo provides information on the profitability of a given area, competitive analysis, average price, occupancy forecasts, and more.

Is advanced technical knowledge required to use BedlyGo?

Absolutely not, BedlyGo is designed to be user-friendly. No advanced technical knowledge is required; the interface is simple and intuitive. In addition, for those who need it, we offer support and resources to help you get started.

What happens if I wish to cancel my subscription?

If you wish to cancel your subscription, you can do so at any time. There are no cancellation fees. But we are sure that after you test it, you won't be able to do without it!

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